Saturday, February 7, 2009

Last Chance Hoffman....

Ok, I usually never go see something in the theater unless it's theater-worthy. This means that I will not feel disappointed after spending nearly 10 bucks on a ticket alone (no popcorn!) to see it. That means films that need a big screen like The Dark Knight, totally worthy of surround sound and massive action. A film that does not fall into this category is Last Chance Harvey.

Had it not been for the well-seasoned leading actors, Dustin Hoffman and Emma Thompson, this would've been a flop. I was surprised they accepted this script, being so uneventful and all. Times are tough and maybe Hoffman needed it. But since they both were in it, it's only borderline floppin'.

What I liked:
  • The unique match up between Hoffman and Thompson. I loved them in Stranger than Fiction, so I was hopeful for this one.
  • The realism. Not everyone is happy all of their lives, they don't have a perfect family, and they don't always get the dream job they want. This is something we can actually relate to, rather than resent a dreamlike storyline.
  • It wasn't love at first sight. Enemies first, then friends, then love, just at an incredibly fast pace. (Hey, when you're that old, now is all you've got!)

What wasn't so enjoyable was the slow pace and the uneventful setting. C'mon, they're in London, there's bound to be more than one cobblestone walkway.

So, why did I break my own rule? It was Carina's birthday, and we wanted to go see a movie. What we really wanted to see was Taken, but it was too late, so we agreed upon Last Chance Harvey. It was either that or Underworld: Rise of the Lycans.

So, if I were you, I'd wait to rent it, and even then, don't host a party with it as the main event. It's a rainy day movie when you've got nothing extremely better to do.

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